APP Imprints
Promotional writing instruments have been in high demand for decades

Branded writing instruments have been one of the most popular promotional product categories for decades. These products includes pens, pencils, markers and highlighters. There is a writing instrument for every price point from under $1 to over $500. They are handed out at trade shows, kept in the office supply closet and given to employees as achievement gifts.

Did you know that 89% of consumers own a promotional writing instrument? They are typically kept for 9 months providing great value for the recipients. Over its lifetime, a writing instrument will have made 3,000 impressions repeatedly displaying your brand and marketing message. The cost per impression (CPI) for a $3 promotional pen is 1/10th of a cent.

?? Watch this ?? to see how see how garments are embroidered at a commercial scale.
Insurance agents innovative use of desk calendars

A local insurance agent wanted a way to connect with her customers and capture new leads with a useful promotional item. The goal was to boost her personal branding and promote her services all year round. The Insurance company's logo was imprinted with agent's contact info at the top. Under the pad, the agent included a list of key phone numbers to different departments within the insurance company as a value add to her customers including customer service, sales and claims.

This agent used the desk calendars as giveaways at local marketing events in lieu of handing out business cards. Two calendars were offered to each visitor, asking them to share one with a friend or family member. The agent also kept a stack of calendars at the office reception desk as freebies for visitors to take home with them.

By handing out a useful desk calendar instead of an ordinary business card, this agent set herself apart and kept her name visible to her customers every day. By giving out two calendars, she was successful in growing her referrals and added new customers to her book of business.


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